vogel - sumpfohreule ( asio flammeus ), die an einem frühlingsabend auf der suche nach beute über die wiese fliegt. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
ms/sts 4k zoom in shot of a great grey/gray owl (strix nebulosa) sitting/flying/hunting out of trees in the winter/snow - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
shot of great horned owl's head swiveling and hooting. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:14
asio otus - waldohreule sitzt nachts auf schwarzem hintergrund auf dem ast - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
high speed eurasian eagle owl (bubo bubo) flying to camera, england, uk. filmed at 1000fps on the photron sa2 high definition high speed camera. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:23
cu shot of long eared owl ( asio otus) portrait of adult with open beak / vieux pont en auge, normandy, france - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:05
lockdown close-up of a white snowy owl as it looks directly into the camera, turns its head to both sides, and looks up - erfurt, germany - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:19
close angle of an american horned owl or old world eagle owl sitting on a tree branch looking around. animals. nature. wildlife. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:03
vogel - sumpfohreule ( asio flammeus ), die an einem frühlingsabend auf der suche nach beute über die wiese fliegt. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:18
barn owl, tyto alba, adult in flight, normandy, slow motion 4k - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:26
couple of spotted owl resting in tree hole - front view - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:09
ms la two brown fish owl chicks (bubo zeylonensis or ketupa zeylonensis) on tree / madhya pradesh, india - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
ms owl camouflaged in inbetween tree at entabeni private game reserve / limpopo, south africa - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:22
view of a wild owl on the branch in dmz (demilitarized zone, a strip of land running across the korean peninsula), south korea - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:02
ecu shot of european eagle owl close up of eyes / calvados, normandy, france - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:07
spotted owlet in the nest (athene brama) is a small owl in tropical asia, pair living and that breeds in the tree hole in nature - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:39
barn owl (tyto alba) hunts over disused airfield, essex, england - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
cu brown fish owl chick (bubo zeylonensis or ketupa zeylonensis) on tree / madhya pradesh, india - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:34
great grey owl (strix nebulosa) silhouetted by moon in forest at night, yellowstone, usa - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
ms two brown fish owl chicks (bubo zeylonensis or ketupa zeylonensis) on tree / madhya pradesh, india - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
vogel - sumpfohreule ( asio flammeus ), die an einem frühlingsabend auf der suche nach beute über die wiese fliegt. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
tawny frogmouth the tawny frogmouth, podargus strigoides, is an australian species of frogmouth, a type of bird found throughout the australian... - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:09
große gehörnte eule in einem mesquite-baum in arizona - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:29
große horneule (bubo virginianus) singt und singt während der dunklen nacht mit blitz und wind. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:33
close angle of owl with forest in background, forest out of focus. owl turns head side to side. hand touches owl from bottom left foreground at start. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
barn owl (tyto alba) pounces onto prey on snowy airfield, essex, england - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:14
szene von halsbandeule in der natur, szene real von tier in freier wildbahn - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:17
spotted owlet, dancing on tree branch, bharatpur bird reserve, india, asia - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
barn owl (tyto alba) takes off from snow with vole prey, essex, england - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:25
vogel - sumpfohreule ( asio flammeus ), die an einem frühlingsabend auf der suche nach beute über die wiese fliegt. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:14
große gehörnte eule (bubo virginianus) singt und vokalisiert in der dunklen nacht auf dem ast. - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:55
close up of great horned owl [bubo virginianus] with back facing camera looking directly at camera / turning head / snake river birds of prey national conservation area, idaho - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:05
ms slo mo shot of eared owl adult in flight taking off from tree / vieux pont en auge, normandy, france - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:08
mcu eagle owl looking to camera and calling, at night, israel - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:09
owl, asian barred owlet ( glaucidium cuculoides) on branch in forest - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:30
barn owl, tyto alba, adult in flight, normandy, slow motion 4k - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:25
wide shot of a great horned owl taking off from a tree stump with the moon in the background - eule stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:29