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exterior shots of people marching wearing suffragette colours of green, white and violet holding 'equal pay' placards and banners and walking past a... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:35
interview with the crown actress claire foy on the red carpet for the tv baftas. foy talks about the pay dispute and how revealing her wage has... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:30
men and women gather outside their offices to highlight their support for equal pay on international women’s day. interview with journalist carrie... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial04:05
interview with piers morgan as he discusses his new series where he interviews serial killers, the next episode of life stories featuring pamela... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial04:05
hundreds of women, some dressed as suffragettes, have marched through glasgow demanding equal pay from the city council. unison said that having won... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:59
susan norman research scientist explains how professional female scientists were a minority when she first began working in science - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:02
the 2018 women's march is a planned rally and follow-up to the 2017 women's march on washington. the demonstrators are calling for equal pay for... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:08
the 2018 women's march is a planned rally and follow-up to the 2017 women's march on washington. the demonstrators are calling for equal pay for... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
the 2018 women's march is a planned rally and follow-up to the 2017 women's march on washington. the demonstrators are calling for equal pay for... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:07
the 2018 women's march is a planned rally and follow-up to the 2017 women's march on washington. the demonstrators are calling for equal pay for... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:26
the 2018 women's march is a planned rally and follow-up to the 2017 women's march on washington. the demonstrators are calling for equal pay for... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:25
the 2018 women's march is a planned rally and follow-up to the 2017 women's march on washington. the demonstrators are calling for equal pay for... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:21
government house canberra: canberrra - new labor government sworn in: - ext government house yarralumla / bob hawke arriving and getting out of car /... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:51
women's liberation movement; england: london: int poster of woman yelling poster: ideas of womens lib 'equal pay' vox pop - well the government has... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:48
cannes film festival starts; france: cannes: ext low angle shot of small dog being walked along promenade general view of seafront hotel majestic... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:16
hillary clinton speech in which she talks about 'glass ceiling' sot hillary supporters cheering and hillary at podium - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:27
protestors carry signs and chant slogans during a demonstration for equal pay between men and women on november 7 at place de la republique in paris,... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:03
former secretary of state madeleine k. albright spoke at hillary clinton's presidential campaign headquarters in chicago on oct. 10, 2016 before... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:45
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from newspapers to dior dresses soccer games to plane tickets : roger bastoni the concierge at the majestic barriere hotel in cannes works to fulfill... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:42
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hotel barriere le majestic general views - 69th cannes film festival on may 10, 2016 in cannes, france. - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:09
establishing shots of the belmont-paul women's equality national monument - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
establishing shots of the belmont-paul women's equality national monument - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
establishing shots of the belmont-paul women's equality national monument - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
establishing shots of the belmont-paul women's equality national monument - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:20
establishing shots of the belmont-paul women's equality national monument - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:16
maryland senator barbara mikulski says on the occasion of equal pay day that she had attended a ceremony with president obama at the sewell belmont... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial05:04
hillary clinton talks about middle class at event for female democratic senators to provide their endorsement of her. - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial04:00
jennifer lawrence, liam hemsworth, josh hutcherson, julianne moore, donald sutherland, sam calflin at the photocall of the cast of hunger games... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:05
general views - at majestic barriere hotel cannes on may 12, 2015 in cannes, france. - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:31
general views - at italian pavilion inside majestic barriere hotel cannes on may 12, 2015 in cannes, france. - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial04:25
« blue jasmine » actress arrives at barriere royal hotel in deauville where she will be walking the red carpet for the festival opening ceremony... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:26
michael douglas giving interviews at the terrasse of the royal hotel in deauville, promoting « behind the candelabra », steven soderbergh latest... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:15
jennifer lawrence getting back the fouquet's barriere hotel in paris paris, france 1st july 2013 - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:18
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luftaufnahme eines modernen gartenpavillons mit glasdach und aluminiumstruktur. hofüberdachung mit glas - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
after several years of renovation work, a vast ice rink is reopening under the ornate domed glass ceiling of paris' grand palais - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:20
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conservative party leadership contest: kemi badenoch wins: ellie reeves interview; england: london: ext ellie reeves mp interview sot. - on her... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:24
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rachel reeves interview; england: london: oval: ext rachel reeves mp interview sot. - on obr, treasury, economic growth, planning reforms - being the... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:30
geschäftsfrau, die das telefon im büro benutzt und auf die ansicht schaut. - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:09
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the spectators' chants of 'equal pay' reverberated inside the stadium as fifa president gianni infantino walked into the field after the us won the... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:36
fuku-chan, an adorable kitten who kept his eyes on the prize, seemed to have no clue when he bumped into a literal glass ceiling. sure enough his... - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:29
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businesswoman using phone in office and looking at view - barriere stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
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