CANCER SERVICES UNDERFUNDING:.||=================================================================================||||a)EN: LAWRENCE MCGINTY||ITN||ENGLAND: London:||INT||SEQ Cancer specialists taking seats in meeting (20 secs)||||CMS Electronic handset used for voting held in delegate's hand||||i/c||||Dr Margaret Spittle (Middlesex Hospital) interviewed SOT|- We don't have enough opportunities to get scans and don't have enough radiographers - many patients don't get to see a cancer specialist ||||GRAPHIC Cancer Costs||||LMS Yvette Cooper MP (Minister for Public Health) along to podium||||MS Cooper speaking at podium (no heard)||||MS Professor Mike Richards (Government Cancer Coordinator) sitting at press conference||||Yvette Cooper MP (Minister for Public Health) interviewed SOT|- We're investing additional resources in cancer - we're making it a priority||||MS Yvette Cooper & Professor Mike Richards posing for photocall||||Professor Trevor Powles (Royal Marsden Hospital) interviewed SOT|- Now's the time for the big push forward||||LIB (TX 8.7.98/ITN)|Surrey: Sutton: Royal Marsden Hospital:||Patient lying in radiotherapy machine as recieving radiotherapy treatment||TX 8.11.99/EN||b)LTN: LAWRENCE MCGINTY||ITN|ENGLAND: London:||INT||GVs Cancer specialists taking seats in meeting (4 shots)||||CMS Electronic handset used for voting held in delegate's hand||||MS Results of vote displayed on screen||||i/c||||Dr Margaret Spittle (Middlesex Hospital) interviewed SOT|- We don't have enough opportunities to get scans and don't have enough radiographers - many patients don't get to see a cancer specialist ||||Professor Hilary Thomas (Royal Surrey County Hospital) interviewed SOT|- We haven't been able to keep pace with progress in terms of our funding||||LIB (TX 8.7.98/ITN)|Surrey: Sutton: Royal Marsden Hospital:||Patient lying in radiotherapy machine as recieving radioth...


CANCER SERVICES UNDERFUNDING:.||=================================================================================||||a)EN: LAWRENCE MCGINTY||ITN||ENGLAND: London:||INT||SEQ Cancer specialists taking seats in meeting (20 secs)||||CMS Electronic handset used for voting held in delegate's hand||||i/c||||Dr Margaret Spittle (Middlesex Hospital) interviewed SOT|- We don't have enough opportunities to get scans and don't have enough radiographers - many patients don't get to see a cancer specialist ||||GRAPHIC Cancer Costs||||LMS Yvette Cooper MP (Minister for Public Health) along to podium||||MS Cooper speaking at podium (no heard)||||MS Professor Mike Richards (Government Cancer Coordinator) sitting at press conference||||Yvette Cooper MP (Minister for Public Health) interviewed SOT|- We're investing additional resources in cancer - we're making it a priority||||MS Yvette Cooper & Professor Mike Richards posing for photocall||||Professor Trevor Powles (Royal Marsden Hospital) interviewed SOT|- Now's the time for the big push forward||||LIB (TX 8.7.98/ITN)|Surrey: Sutton: Royal Marsden Hospital:||Patient lying in radiotherapy machine as recieving radiotherapy treatment||TX 8.11.99/EN||b)LTN: LAWRENCE MCGINTY||ITN|ENGLAND: London:||INT||GVs Cancer specialists taking seats in meeting (4 shots)||||CMS Electronic handset used for voting held in delegate's hand||||MS Results of vote displayed on screen||||i/c||||Dr Margaret Spittle (Middlesex Hospital) interviewed SOT|- We don't have enough opportunities to get scans and don't have enough radiographers - many patients don't get to see a cancer specialist ||||Professor Hilary Thomas (Royal Surrey County Hospital) interviewed SOT|- We haven't been able to keep pace with progress in terms of our funding||||LIB (TX 8.7.98/ITN)|Surrey: Sutton: Royal Marsden Hospital:||Patient lying in radiotherapy machine as recieving radioth...

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ITN Archive
8. November 1999
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