Covid-19 RNA vaccine, illustration - Stock-Grafiken

Covid-19 RNA vaccine, illustration. The vaccine consists of strands of mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) encased in a lipid nanoparticle sphere (red) surrounded by a polyethylene glycol coat (violet). The mRNA codes for a mutated version of the viral spike protein found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes Covid-19. When injected into the body the mRNA is taken up by the body's cells, which manufacture copies of the protein. The proteins stimulate an immune response, causing the body to produce antibodies against the spike protein. This means that the body is primed to attack the virus should it be encountered after vaccination, preventing disease. The first RNA vaccine approved for human use, developed against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, was approved in the UK on 2nd December 2020.
Covid-19 RNA vaccine, illustration. The vaccine consists of strands of mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) encased in a lipid nanoparticle sphere (red) surrounded by a polyethylene glycol coat (violet). The mRNA codes for a mutated version of the viral spike protein found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes Covid-19. When injected into the body the mRNA is taken up by the body's cells, which manufacture copies of the protein. The proteins stimulate an immune response, causing the body to produce antibodies against the spike protein. This means that the body is primed to attack the virus should it be encountered after vaccination, preventing disease. The first RNA vaccine approved for human use, developed against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, was approved in the UK on 2nd December 2020.
Covid-19 RNA vaccine, illustration
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Getty ImagesCovid19 Rna Vaccine Illustration, Stock-FotoCovid19 Rna Vaccine Illustration, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Grafiken zum Thema Covid-19 RNA vaccine, illustration von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Grafiken in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:1296294288
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