A cute kitten looks ashamed when caught by its owner after making a huge mess on the floor with flour. - Stock-Fotografie

A young cat has torn open a bag of flour and made a big mess on the floor. His owner has caught him in the act and towers above him. The kitten looks sorry and ashamed as he sheepishly looks up towards his human friend.
A young cat has torn open a bag of flour and made a big mess on the floor. His owner has caught him in the act and towers above him. The kitten looks sorry and ashamed as he sheepishly looks up towards his human friend.
A cute kitten looks ashamed when caught by its owner after making a huge mess on the floor with flour.
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Getty ImagesA Cute Kitten Looks Ashamed When Caught By Its Owner After Making A Huge Mess On The Floor With Flour, Stock-FotoA Cute Kitten Looks Ashamed When Caught By Its Owner After Making A Huge Mess On The Floor With Flour, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema A cute kitten looks ashamed when caught by its owner after making a huge mess on the floor with flour. von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:1440807237
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