Calle Real street in Medieval village of Pedraza de la Sierra (Segovia, Spain) - Stock-Fotografie

This beautiful and well preserved village, was declared a Monumental site in 1951, thanks to its careful architecture and rich cultural heritage, which includes a single gateway, the Royal Street and the Main Street, the Main Square, which it is one of the most beautiful in Spain, and historic buildings such as the prison and the Castle, the latter is currently an Art Museum. The Calle Real is the main street and entry to the village. It is flanked by very old dilapidated large wooden houses on both sides of the streets. A couple of these old buildings are transformed into souvenir and handicrafts shops.
This beautiful and well preserved village, was declared a Monumental site in 1951, thanks to its careful architecture and rich cultural heritage, which includes a single gateway, the Royal Street and the Main Street, the Main Square, which it is one of the most beautiful in Spain, and historic buildings such as the prison and the Castle, the latter is currently an Art Museum. The Calle Real is the main street and entry to the village. It is flanked by very old dilapidated large wooden houses on both sides of the streets. A couple of these old buildings are transformed into souvenir and handicrafts shops.
Calle Real street in Medieval village of Pedraza de la Sierra (Segovia, Spain)
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Getty ImagesCalle Real Street In Medieval Village Of Pedraza De La Sierra , Stock-FotoCalle Real Street In Medieval Village Of Pedraza De La Sierra , Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema Calle Real street in Medieval village of Pedraza de la Sierra (Segovia, Spain) von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:1310959788
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3008 x 2000 px (25,47 x 16,93 cm) - 300 dpi - 4 MB
Hochgeladen am:
Pedraza, Segovia, Spain
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